

CRM Application Backed by Ruby on Rails

Cocoach is a business coaching and business management application for real-time collaboration, document creation and project management. The scope of this application is huge. Every business is given its own sandbox domain, and each department a subdomain below that. The application operates differently depending on the context of the user. With a department selected, the user is focussed on items only related to the current department, however, events must “bubble up” to the business level. more»

Why I Believe Rails is Still Relevant in 2019

Why You and Your Team Should Consider Ruby on Rails  

You might have read the infamous blog posts titled “Rails is Dead”, but I have seen development teams flounder over and over again when they try and reinvent the wheel using NodeJS on the backend. Rails is Scalable Despite the negative press, I’ll argue rails does scale. After developers at Twitter have spoken at length about their issues with Rails performance, it’s easy to get the wrong idea. Rails is not the fastest framework in the world… but I will argue that performance is the last thing you should worry about when you want to scale. more»

Flexible Config

Ruby configuration management  

FlexibleConfig promotes good OOP design, and the separation of logic and configuration in your Ruby classes.

FlexibleConfig allows you to set class constants cleanly in ruby with the heirarchical structure and clean workflow of YML config, without sacrificing the flexibility and immediacy of ENVironment variables.


RSpec Describe Method

RSpec shorthand for describing individual methods  

RSpec Describe Method is a ruby gem that provides a shorthand for testing specific methods of classes.

It supports both instance methods and class methods, with or without arguments.


Active Hash

Rails models powered by static files  

ActiveHash is a simple base class that allows you to use a ruby hash as a readonly datasource for an ActiveRecord-like model.

ActiveHash assumes that every hash has an :id key, which is what you would probably store in a database. This allows you to seamlessly upgrade from ActiveHash objects to full ActiveRecord objects without having to change any code in your app, or any foreign keys in your database.

It also allows you to use #has_many and #belongs_to (via belongs_to_active_hash) in your AR objects.

ActiveHash can also be useful to create simple test classes that run without a database - ideal for testing plugins or gems that rely on simple AR behavior, but don’t want to deal with databases or migrations for the spec suite.


RSpec Situations

RSpec DSL for creating situations and combining them for testing  

Adds a super simple method to describe RSpec situations in terms of smaller situation blocks.

Define a situation with the ‘situation’ method. Add a symbol key to identify the situation, and add an optional description if you like, and pass in a block creating the situation.
